The Comeback, part 3

I wish life were just the warm and fuzzies, don’t you? Sweat pants, fuzzy socks, fireplaces crackling, beach waves rolling gently in the background with a warm tea in my hands. Unfortunately, that is not my reality 99.9% of the time. Any one?

 As I bring the third part of “The Comeback,” I remember how I felt in my priority time when I got to the part of the passage where Jesus was standing in front of Thomas and allowing him to see and touch His hands and side. This is the conversation recorded in scripture,

 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:27-28

 If there were music playing, there would be a huge swell leading up to this very climactic moment. But then… we hit this great warm moment of reunion and joy that Thomas believes just as Jesus delivers a line that carries a little “ouch” to me.

 This ouch is not really an ouch, but it is a calling up. Jesus meets us where we are and gives us what we need, but He doesn’t desire to spoon-feed us forever. He knows He has created us for a greater purpose and that purpose requires us to exercise our muscles of faith.

 When I taught this message, I shared that I have been working out at the same type of workout place for two and half years. The problem is that since day one I have picked up the ten-pound weights every time we do an arm workout. Ten is a great place to start, but two and a half years later, I should have made some progress by now. It would be the equivalent of starting my son on a sippy cup when he was two and then being ok sending him to middle school with that same sippy cup. You get my point.

 I want to challenge you that wherever you are in your faith journey, that you go up to the next weight. Maybe you aren’t using any weights at all right now. That is okay. Start with the 3lb weight. Ask God to increase your faith to 3lbs.

 If you have been a believer awhile, do you ever feel like you get comfortable? I am comfortable with a ten-pound weight when I work out, but if I allow myself to be spiritually comfortable with the same weight for years at a time, what am I missing? I am missing the opportunity to be fully alive and growing in my faith.

 I don’t think God intends for us to stop growing in our relationship with Him on this side of heaven. Take courage that He is merciful and comes back, but also remember that healthy things grow… and it is time for us to be willing to take our next step to grow in our faith.

 What is one step you can take to keep growing in your walk with the Lord?

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