This Ain't Man Church!

Being a man seems like a pretty standard experience. (I'm just sayin'!) This thing called "culture" projects a relatively universal message of what life for a man should look like. You need to grow up, get an education, find a skill, and provide for your family. As a Christian, you would contextualize that same message to accomplish the same goals, just in a way that honors the Lord.When it comes to being a woman, it feels complicated. Some women are highly involved in the marketplace. Other women are thriving in their homes. Some are struggling in both, and most women feel stuck somewhere in between. As a female following Christ, the message communicated – or implied – to women within the church can sometimes make finding our place and purpose even more confusing. (Thus, another reason I wrote Miss Perfect!)Personally, I’ve straddled a weird blend of being both a working woman and stay-at-home mom for 17 years. I don't truly fit in either category (which is actually fine by me!)… and it’s in that straddling that I wanted to reach out to you.[bctt tweet="LeadershipWorks: It's not just for corporate managers..."]Recently, if you’re from Highpoint or the Memphis area, you may have seen promotions for an incredible opportunity to be part of the inaugural LeadershipWorks Conference. If you’re in corporate America, you’d naturally assume this event would be relevant for you. But let me challenge anyone who doesn’t feel like they fit into that category.Leadership is influence. If you have influence over anyone, you’re a leader. We have an incredible ministry at Highpoint called Man Church. God‘s doing great things in the lives of the men who have become involved. But make no mistake: LeadershipWorks isn’t supposed to look like Man Church! God is calling on all His children who have influence over others to use their influence for His glory. I’m calling the women of Highpoint to help me represent women in this city at LeadershipWorks.So, if you’re a woman and you want to be a better influencer, join me on Friday August 26th for LeadershipWorks. If you’re in top level, executive management, you likely want to register for the morning session. I’ll be attending one of the afternoon sessions for either established or emerging leaders.I know that Mick Ukleja, who specializes in working with millennials, has helped me understand my own kids better, not to mention this next generation. Jon Gordon will inspire you. He speaks to NFL and NBA teams. I’m pretty sure some of us moms could be encouraged by some pointers, so our teams at home run better! Laurie Tucker is best known in Memphis for her awesome son, Will… but she’s also responsible for managing the FedEx brand for decades. She’ll talk about personal and professional branding. God has put a unique purpose and God-centered message in each of us. In the 21st century, understanding who you are and how you project yourself will make you a better steward of your unique message.[bctt tweet="Want to know how to invest in the future of Memphis?"]Whether you find yourself in the workplace or in the home, I assure you this conference will be beneficial to you. Not only that, but this is an easy way for you to support the work of Highpoint as we build bridges into this city. This event is about so much more than leadership. It’s about making an investment in the future of Memphis. You can attend. You can even come and serve.So, clear the calendar for 4 hours, grab a friend, and join me on Friday, August 26th. God needs all of us to change this city.