Always out of time?

There’s never enough time. Do you ever feel that way? Every day? I decided to sit down and make a list of all the things I’d like to be able to devote some time to, but haven’t. You know, those things that irritate you but you never slow down long enough to fix them. Maybe a few of these are on your list, too…

  • Organize my zillion passwords that are stored in 5 different places.
  • Sort through the kitchen junk drawer.
  • File the mound of paperwork stacked on every counter, despite the fact that we’re in the paperless age.
  • The refrigerator… enough said.
  • Clean those few pieces of dirty clothes that need special attention so get neglected week after week.
  • Create a permanent grocery list.
  • Sort through the drawers and closets and make a Goodwill run.
  • Get the weeds out of the rocks in my backyard… presumably, rocks that were put there so nothing else would grow, I might add. Seriously.
  • Vacuum the top layer of junk out of my car, so I don’t live in fear of someone getting in my car… not having toddlers gives me no good excuse for the mess.

I’ll stop before I discourage us any further! But as I was getting spun up about how disorganized my life feels, I had to go online and pay a few bills. (See the first bullet above, which started this whole thing.) As I fished for a few passwords, I made an interesting discovery: One of my passwords was tiredMOM2015. The next one I needed was notonmywatch. The third password I needed was HAPPYmom2016. The last one was 2019empty.My father would be terrified that I just put my passwords out there (don’t worry, dad :) ), but I smiled when I realized that even my passwords show how fast the seasons of life go by. Yep, 2015 was when I had a 15 and 16 year old. 2019empty is when I will have an empty nest. It’s coming way too fast. And you know what? My list can wait. I bet yours can, too. No matter your season of life, don’t forget what’s important. Do what’s important.

Go hug a neck.Go encourage a friend.Go make a memory.Go be a bright light in a dark world.Go make a disciple… that’s what we were made to do.

We’ll get organized later.[bctt tweet="No matter your season of life, don’t forget what’s important. We'll get organized later."] 
