The Big Rocks

Regardless of what the Almanac says, summer is officially here! For the majority, the summer provides a little variation in routine from the other ten months of the year. Even the pace in most businesses acknowledges that there is something to be said for enjoying a few days away.In the Conlee household, the passage into summer means that my entire world gets flipped upside down until the school bell rings again. I love having my kids home. I love not having to run carpool or talk about grades and teachers. I love the slower pace and the longer days. But somewhere between the end of May and the beginning of June it is critical that I make some mental adjustments to avoid pulling my hair out in July. If your schedule gets altered by the onset of summer, may I strongly encourage you to take a couple of minutes to answer some questions so you can have a healthy summer?Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. What are my expectations for this summer?So many times we have dozens of unspoken and spoken expectations. If we slow down enough to consider what they are, it gives us a chance to avoid disappointment. You can honestly evaluate your list and decide what are the most important ones to aim towards.

2. Are there any expectations that are unrealistic?We can be guilty of thinking that, because one or two things are cancelled, we can somehow add 10 other things to our list! Do you really think you can get every closet organized while your kids are home? Is it really wise to try to cram in every trip that you want to take? Can your child realistically overcome every one of their bad habits? If you have not read one book all year, can you really finish 6 in the next 8 weeks?

We must prioritize and focus on what is most important. I am not saying to forego all goals, but if you do not narrow your focus you are most likely going to end up being disappointed. With my stage of life, my primary goal is to be available to make memories with my kids. If I am going to accomplish this goal, I must consciously choose not to be productive in some other areas. If I have secondary goals to accomplish lots of things on my agenda, I will probably fail at accomplishing the one goal that is actually most important to me.

3. What are the non-negotiables I must have to maintain health this summer?It is easy when we are caring for so many other people to neglect caring for ourselves. In the long run, this harms everyone. I often ask myself, “What must happen for this to be a healthy day?” For me, I must make sure that I start my day with the Lord, that I am getting consistent exercise, and that I take some time throughout the week to invest in my friendships. These are the big rocks. If I make sure these non-negotiables are happening each day, then I will be a better woman, a better wife, and a better mom. If it requires me to get up early, I must prioritize these rocks. No matter what the day throws at me, if I get the big rocks in then I am at peace when my head hits the pillow each night.

Ask the Lord what your big rocks need to be… and be sure to put them in first!