Can you help this writer?
I’ve recently put on my writer’s hat again. Last week, I worked on a chapter on the subject of contentment. Talk about convicting! I’ve been blessed beyond measure, but still spend time complaining or wishing for little and big things in my life to be different.One of the ways I observed that women try to find contentment is through control. Whether as a friend, mom, girlfriend, employee, or wife, we shift into control gear. Sometimes we become controlling when we sense circumstances are not going in our favor. If we’re honest, some of us are controllers from the get-go. We don’t even wait to see how a situation unfolds.Think of the irony. Contentment is having peace regardless of our circumstances. Yet we try to control those circumstances. We think that if we can get all our circumstances worked out, we would finally have what we want. We frequently leave God completely out of the equation.May I remind you of something? Fixing everything is not a prerequisite for finding contentment.As a matter of fact, we can’t. That’s the whole point. We wouldn’t need contentment if we could get everything the way we want it.So, I wondered if you could help me. I need some examples of how women will go to great lengths to control their circumstances. Let me know if any of these questions stir up a story from your own life that you wouldn’t mind sharing with me.
- Have you ever wanted something so badly that you went completely overboard trying to make it happen?
- Was there a time when the door seemed to be closed, but you were determined not to take no for an answer? Instead of backing down and trusting God, you looked for another door. When there was no other door, you looked for a window.
- Has there been a time when you went ahead of God and forced your agenda, only to regret it later?
If you’d be willing for your experience to be used to protect other women from going down the same path, I would be so grateful. Feel free to reply directly to my blog or you can email me. Together we can allow the Lord to use our stories to protect others from the same path.I can’t wait to share with you what I’m learning about contentment. You might be a little skeptical to think contentment is truly possible. I have been. Rest assured, God’s best is still possible for each of us.