How much would you give to have your child covered in prayer?

I’m back.My laptop and I enjoyed a vacation from each other, but I’m excited after a 2-month sabbatical with my family to be back at life and resuming my blog. I’m looking forward to sharing some of the experiences and lessons the Lord taught me from our summer… however, just like you, the summer has gone so fast and now I find myself staring at a new season.As I dragged my body in an attempt to run around the block yesterday morning (if you saw me, you know I use that term loosely), it wasn’t the empty streets of the last few days that greeted me. Instead, the entrance to our cove was peppered with extra cars holding extra-anxious children with covertly nervous parents. Within minutes, the majority of the school doors in our city would be opening for the start of a new year.I still remember the first-day jitters when I was in school. I remember the upset tummies of my own children. Oh, the ups and downs of change! There’s nothing like clean, crisp clothes, new backpacks and sneakers, labeled school supplies, and the joy of getting everyone out the door on time.As with the last 2 years, I can’t help but call us to pray. Every year has its challenges, but the freshman year of both high school and college are known to be 2 of the most trajectory-impacting years our children will face. I’ve never called for this when I actually had a freshman in my home… until this year. I must confess, the burden is as real as ever as I join the company of so many other moms who have gently pushed their child out of the nest and into a dorm room.So, would you consider lending your knees to a child who isn’t your own? If you know of a freshman, would you reach out to the mom and commit to praying for her son or daughter for the next 8 weeks? I can truly think of nothing I want more than to know that my son has made his transition to college and is thriving spiritually, emotionally, relationally, academically, physically, and mentally. Knowing someone else is interceding for your child is a precious gift you can give.If you don’t know a freshman and you’d be willing to pray, would you let me know? Do you have a freshman you need covered? Let me know that, too!What can you pray for when it comes to high school and college freshmen? Here are a few ideas…

  • For the student to remember their value comes from the Lord and not from the approval of others (Proverbs 1:7).
  • For the student to find friends who will make them better and encourage them in their faith journey (1 Timothy 2:22).
  • For the Lord to protect each student from loneliness or isolation (Joshua 1:9).
  • For the student to be at peace and not anxious about all that is ahead (Philippians 4:6-7).
  • For protection from the evil one and any ploys he has to discourage or distract the student from God’s best (Ephesians 6:10-11, James 4:7).
  • For the student to spend time with the Lord and seek Him for wisdom in all things (Psalm 119:9).
  • For God to give favor to the parent-child relationships during these seasons of change (Proverbs 1:8-9, Ephesians 6:1-3).
  • For God to expose any unhealthy choices quickly… and not allow sin to go hidden.

Whether you’re a mom or not, I encourage you to join us in praying for the next generation. Within the first 2 months, students will generally either find healthy friendships or they’ll compromise in order to fit in. Let’s do our part in the heavenly realms to protect these precious students, our sons and our daughters.P.S. I keep toying with the idea of getting any new college moms in the Memphis area together for coffee. If you have any interest, let me know. 

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