Been There, Done That: Toddlers

If you are the mother of toddlers, you are lucky to have time to be reading a blog! I definitely remember the season of having two toddlers as one that was full of fun and exhaustion! Today, Kendall Tashie continues offering us wisdom from the perspective of a mom who has navigated the infamous Terrible Two’s six times!Here are Kendall’s top tips for dealing with toddlers:

1. Believe it or not, a toddler can manipulate you.Remember, he was born with a sin nature. This is why he won't just follow all your instructions. Toddler years are discipline years, so discipline your toddler. Someone once asked me, "When should I start using discipline?" My response was the first time he defies you. I first popped my son’s leg when he was 9 months old because he would not be still for a diaper change. He began kicking and twisting his body in anger. He understood no, but would not stop his behavior.

2. You cannot reason with a toddler.They have a very short attention span. Immediate discipline works best at this age. They have very little concept of time. If you wait to address an issue, they will have a hard time relating the discipline to the action.

3. Discipline needs to be very instructive.Look them in the eye and tell them what they have done wrong. Let them repeat your words. Explain appropriate behavior and have them repeat it back to you. If you can, walk them through what they should have done. You need to then explain the consequences of disobedience. Then enforce the rule you just gave them the very next time the behavior is repeated. If you let it slide or explain over and over, you are enabling them in their disobedience.

4. Enjoy your toddler by keeping in mind what they can handle.A friend saw a young mother at a restaurant with her 2 year old. The mother was frustrated because the child could not sit still through the entire meal. She was expecting more than the child was capable of and both were miserable. Be smart about the situations you put yourself in with small children.

5. Hang in there… this is just a stage in development.There are challenges at every age, as well as blessings. I often say I would love to go back for one day a month to the time when all 6 of my children were at my feet. One day is probably all I have energy for, but I really miss having them all at home.

6. Toddlers are full of wonder.This is the time to start filling their heart with the wonders of God. I walk my grandchildren down the street and we point out all the things God made. We sing about Jesus and His love. We thank God for everything we see. We talk about how good God is to give us life, flowers, sunshine, etc.

This is great – thanks, Kendall!No matter the age of your children, tune in on Tuesday for some helpful hints on how to create healthy sibling relationships!

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