Peace on Earth — Part 3
Happy 2019! I’ve never been happier to see the start of a new year!It’s been a minute since I posted Part 1 and Part 2 of Peace on Earth. As I went back and reread this series, I was reminded what a powerful weapon praising God is against the enemy’s schemes. (Never underestimate the power of worshiping!) I was also challenged to continue choosing peace. It’s a decision we make. (I know it shouldn’t be this way, but I find choosing peace is much easier in January than December. Anyone?)[bctt tweet="Never underestimate the power of worshiping."]Before I move on from this subject of peace, I want to add a very practical post on this topic. Yes, we must praise. Yes, we can choose peace. But a recent podcast helped me see some tangible ways to evaluate my level of peace and to be proactive in living my most God-honoring life. I’ve begun listening to the Liberator podcast. It’s focused on leadership from a biblical perspective and is a great resource, whether you apply the principles to your organization or to your family. One of the ideas the hosts and founders of GiANT Worldwide shared on the topic of peace was to evaluate your level of peace in three categories: Purpose, People, and Place. We can often find ourselves feeling discouraged or anxious, but not really knowing what the problem is. By looking at these three areas, it allows us to zero in on specific aspects of our life that could help restore our peace.
PURPOSEIf you consistently struggle with being at peace, ask yourself what percentage of your time is spent focused on your highest and best use.
• Do you have a clear purpose in your life?• Do your work and efforts during the day help you move toward fulfilling that purpose (eg. perhaps you’re in school, or working to save money to invest in something)?
If your daily life lacks time dedicated to what you’re passionate about and what God created you to do, then it’s time to decide what adjustments need to be made so you aren’t allowing your purpose to be overshadowed by either the urgent or the mundane.
[bctt tweet="Don't allow your purpose to be overshadowed by the urgent or mundane."]
PEOPLEThink through your closest relationships.
• Are they moving in the right direction?• Are they healthy?• Do you need to add some people to your life?• Have you accidentally isolated yourself?• Do you need to forgive someone?• Do you need to ask for some help in your marriage?
Sometimes our peace can be halted due to underlying tension in a relationship.
PLACE• Do you like where you are?• Are you in the right location?
Of course, I’m not suggesting you have to live on the correct street or in your dream house. We all live in reality. Sometimes we can’t change our place, sometimes we can.
Even if you can’t relocate, identifying the specific source of your unrest can allow you to be intentional about improving the place where God has you for a season, or to become prayerful for God to resolve the source of the struggle.
It’s especially helpful to evaluate the trajectory of where you are in these three areas. Maybe your People, Purpose, and Place are not ideal, but they are moving in the right direction. Simply acknowledging that can bring peace.If there’s one area that sticks out as the peace-snatcher, then evaluate what’s possible. And if you find all three pointing in the wrong direction, join me next week as I conclude this series, Peace on Earth.