

“I never would have imagined…”Over the last 2½ years, that phrase has been uttered from my lips more times than I can count... sometimes in horror… sometimes in humor.Last week, Chris and I drove to Lancaster, PA, to teach two Convene groups. After a full day of teaching and a subsequent appointment, we got in the car to make the drive back to Cleveland. We arrived home at about 12:30am. The next morning, I got up and went out front to take Mo on his morning walk. Never would I have imagined what I found: The key in the front door, the garage door wide open, and Chris’s suitcase literally sitting in the middle of the driveway. I only wish I’d thought to take pictures! It was as if we’d walked in the door and our batteries had died.Whether in humor, excitement, or pain, I’m assuming there have been times when you’ve also thought, “I never imagined this as a part of my journey,” or “I never thought my life would take this turn.” Been there. Am there. Yet as we prepare to leave Ohio with a clear direction from the Lord to return home to Memphis to launch Race for Reconciliation and One City Church, I’m more aware than ever before of the sentiment expressed in The Divine Weaver.

My life is but a weavingBetween my God and me.I cannot choose the colorsHe weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;And I, in foolish pride,Forget he sees the upperAnd I the underside.

Not ‘til the loom is silentAnd the shuttles cease to fly,Will God unroll the canvasAnd reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needfulIn the Weaver’s skillful handAs the threads of gold and silverIn the pattern He has planned.

I’m not sure what “shuttles” are 🙃 ... and I’m not sure where this finds you today. Perhaps you’re in a season where you feel like God’s using all the dark threads. If so, I encourage you to let go of the pressure to hold tight. The Lord is holding you.

Perhaps, like me, you’re moving to a place of relinquishing having to understand it all and instead choosing to embrace each day the Lord gives you. One day, our “I never imagined” will not be in humor or horror, but it will be in awe of all that the Lord reveals to us of His bigger plan. Neither COVID nor politics nor sin can derail our Grand Weaver. Take heart, my friend!If you’re interested in helping us launch Race for Reconciliation or One City Church, give me a shout!